Recommendations for using lavender essential oil :
Lavender essential oil is excellent in diffusers and humidifiers and as a sauna infusion.
- Relaxing : add to the hot bath or cream; if combined with sweet almond oil it is useful against heaviness in the legs.
- States of anxiety and stress : a few drops in the diffusers, in the handkerchief or on the temples.
- Sleep disorders: put 2 drops on a handkerchief and place near the pillow. Helps promote sleep for hyperactive children: put a few drops directly on the pillow, in the diffusers or in the radiator humidifiers (in winter). Also useful in case of neuralgia, fainting, dizziness, nausea, hiccups.
Anti-inflammatory : insect bites.
Antiseptic : add to the face cream for oily skin and acne; apply a few drops to small burns, skin ulcerations and eczema.
Against moths, pour a few drops on a piece of wood or terracotta, these materials absorb well and smell long-lasting, and place in the wardrobe.
Warnings :
Lavender essential oil is considered safe, so there are no particular precautions to follow.
Packaging & Environment
JarGL 70Glass
Plastic capHDPE2plastic
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