Organic Natural Supplements & Fresh Raw Superfoods
100% natural short supply chain
Discover the power of raw foods, the original nutraceutical products, for revitalizing your body and boosting your immune system.
Why Choose Our Raw Nutraceutical Products?
- More enzymes: Raw foods are rich in enzymes that aid digestion and reduce stress on the endocrine system.
- Preserved vitamins and minerals: Gentle processing methods preserve the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals.
- Alkalizing: Raw foods help maintain a healthy pH balance in the body.
- Fresh and local: We offer a wide range of fresh, short-chain organic raw superfoods.
- Natural supplements: Our organic, plant-based, and raw nutraceutical products offer powerful detoxifying, antioxidant (anti-aging), and anti-inflammatory properties.
Raw Foods for Everyone:
- All ages: Raw foods are beneficial for people of all ages, from children to seniors.
- The whole family: Enjoy the benefits of raw foods as a family.
Take control of your health and well-being with the power of raw, natural nutraceutical products.
The Honeyland has chosen Local Organic: we select products from companies that use ONLY their own raw materials. They produce sustainably with passion and care, respecting biodiversity and bees. All reflect the "SLOW FOOD" philosophy of preserving ancient local traditions.
They are High Quality products, we are committed to bringing them to you as FRESH as possible - an essential aspect for greater nutritional effectiveness.
Alimenti biologici proteici crudi
della Dieta mediterranea
Alimenti nutraceutici per la Dieta chetogenica
con acidi grassi essenziali, inclusi Omega 3
Antiossidanti naturali
alimenti nutraceutici con betacaroteni & polifenoli
Alimenti nutraceutici biologici per l'Inverno
per vivere il freddo con serenità

Alimenti ricchi di Sali minerali
100% biologico crudo