Sore Throat Remedies

100% organic products free from pesticides and herbicides

  • -5%
    Kit Mal di gola forte adulti con miele biologico TheHoneyland
    Kit "Rescue throat on fire"
    Sale price€45,40 Regular price€47,80
  • Organic Propolis Spray with Herbs from Alto Adige
  • Honey with Propolis and Essential Oils
  • -3%
    "Children's Throat Relief" Kit
    "Children's Throat Relief" Kit
    Sale price€26,23 Regular price€27,05
  • Organic propolis spray with 30% raw propolis
  • Acacia Honey with Mountain Pine o.e.
  • Propolis & Eucalyptus candies
  • Respiro - Honey with Eucalyptus essential oil
  • Organic Propolis Throat Spray Alcohol-free
  • Organic balsamic honey with essential oils from Corsica
  • Propolis Spray for children with organic raspberry juice
  • Pure Organic Raw Propolis from Piedmont
  • Remedies for Dry or Productive Cough

    Made with organic ingredients from our beekeepers and sourced from local farms

  • Novità-5%
    Dry Cough Relief Kit
    Dry Cough Relief Kit
    Sale price€41,55 Regular price€43,75
  • Novità-5%
    Fatty Cough Rescue Kit
    Fatty Cough Rescue Kit
    Sale price€35,05 Regular price€36,90
  • Organic Honey Cough Syrup
  • Organic balsamic honey with essential oils from Corsica
  • Respiro - Honey with Eucalyptus essential oil
  • Cough herbal tea - organic winter blend
  • Honey with Propolis and Essential Oils
  • esaurito
    Organic Raw Propolis from Salsomaggiore Terme
  • Pure Organic Raw Propolis from Piedmont
  • Natural Balsamic Ointment with Camphor Oil and Organic Beeswax
  • Mom and Baby

    Handcrafted Organic Alcohol-Free Products

  • Bee tonic - natural energizer for children
  • Apisystem: Raw honey with organic pollen and propolis
  • 4 forces of the hive - supplement royal jelly, pollen, propolis
  • -3%
    "Children's Throat Relief" Kit
    "Children's Throat Relief" Kit
    Sale price€26,23 Regular price€27,05
  • Organic Propolis Throat Spray Alcohol-free
  • Organic Propolis Oral Spray alcohol-free
  • Natural Propolis Nasal Spray from the Pyrenees
  • Alcohol-free organic propolis drops
  • Pure fresh organic royal jelly from Piedmont
  • esaurito
    Fresh Organic Royal Jelly from the Oltrepò Pavese Hills
  • Organic Honey Cough Syrup
  • Relaxing Herbal Tea for Children
  • Fresh Organic Essential Oils from Artisanal Producers

    For Gargles, Steam Inhalation, Aromatherapy Diffusers, and Massages

  • Novità
    Val di Gresta organic rosemary essential oil
  • Italian Mountain Pine essential oil
  • Novità
    Val di Gresta organic real lavender essential oil
  • Swiss Pine essential oil from Alto Adige
  • Spruce essential oil Alto Adige
  • Italian Organic Lavender Essential oil
  • Olio essenziale di menta bio italiano
  • Italian Organic Thyme Essential Oil
  • Propolis and essential oil diffusers

    A 100% Italian Patent for Reducing Airborne Microbial Load and Purifying the Environment (Beneficial for Both Adults and Children)