Alexander Mazzuoli
3 products
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Alessandro Mazzuoli, after completing his studies at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Perugia, continued the ancient family tradition by taking over the management of the family farm which extends across the Municipality of Città della Pieve on the sweet hills overlooking the lakes of Chiusi and Trasimeno .
In 2002 Alessandro introduced the cultivation of saffron into the company, also activating himself as promoter and manager of the Consortium for the Protection and Promotion of " Il Croco di Pietro Perugino - Zafferano di Città della Pieve ", of which he is currently President.
He was also co-founder , in 2012, of the Italian Saffron Producers Association which operates at a national level.
Saffron has become the farm's flagship crop.
Alessandro applied his specific agronomic knowledge to the farm, immediately committing himself to respecting "good agricultural practice" and the methods of Integrated Agriculture in his own company, subsequently - from spring 2014 - the entire company was converted to Organic and since then all the farm land has been cultivated using organic farming methods.
Particular attention was also paid to the wooded areas close to the olive groves and vineyards, which represent an important landscape heritage. This with a view to enhancing and safeguarding some plant species once widespread in the area but now almost disappeared.