Albero della Vita

Albero della Vita

The organic farm L'Albero della Vita', family-run and founded in '76 by Massimo Carpinteri , is located on the hills of the upper Asti area.

Massimo Carpinteri was president of the Piedmont Honey Producers Association (ASPROMIELE).

Since 2002 he has been teaching in the courses of MASTER OF FOOD Of Slow food with regard to the honey product;
He is also a member of the board of the national register of honey tasters at the INA (National Institute of Apiculture) in Bologna and is a taster registered in the National Register.

His way of doing beekeeping is in line with the guideline of Slow food of which the company is part with the Presidium of High Mountain Honeys .

Albero della Vita
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